Thursday, 14 November 2013

Ruk jao naa by Nabila Abar Raja Online Reading.

Ruk jao naa by Nabila Abar Raja
is a social romantic Urdu novel.It was published in a monthly
Digest. Over the past few years Nabila Abar Raja
has emerged as a very prolific writer.She chooses a variety of topics
to write about . She mainly writesfiction, and has written
marvelous urdu novels such as Zard zamano ka sweera,
tnabain ghulab saton kiand Mujhe eithbar e wafa mile.
Free Download or read online urdu book/ Novel
Ruk jao naa from here. Click on the
link below to download pdf.

Download Link

Ruk jao na novel by Nabila Abar Raja

Read Online Click on the image for a better  result Ruk jao naa by Nabila Abar Raja Online Reading.

Click on the READ MORE button to continue reading

Ruk jao naa Nabila Abar Raja


  1. achi this but haqeeqat say door

  2. bdi ajeeb situation thi bhae koi plot he nhe tha achank koi Aya a k ly gya...
    phir us NY shor bhe Diya ...
    aur last scene seriously writer sahiba tashadud psnd lgti hen... yeh chappair hero ki trf sy pyar KR aur heroine KO chndein kha k pyar ho gya.,..
